Must Haves for Second Baby if First Is Age 3

Expecting your 2nd baby? Here are the items to add to your second baby registry to make sure yous're ready for baby number two!

older baby with pregnant mom

This postal service is written by Monica from Conquering Motherhood.

Congratulations mama: baby number two is on the way!

Expecting infant number two can be so exciting and intimidating at the same time. In that location's the joy of bringing a new life into the family and a sibling for your older child while you're as well likely feeling a flake anxious about having to juggle two kids at the aforementioned time.

I have personally been there: I take two kids who are ii.5 years apart. Even though I know anybody'due south situation is a bit different, specially depending on the age gap betwixt the two kids, looking afterwards two children at the same time is always total on!

Getting prepared for the arrival of the new babe and making certain you have everything you demand to tackle this side by side stage of maternity will definitely help you lot feel equipped.

That'south where this 2nd baby registry checklist comes in! It includes the items you tin reuse from your beginning babe, the items to buy make new, and some handy extras to make your life easier.

You'll need to check everything that yous've kept from your beginning child and make sure you lot can still use information technology, buy anything else you are missing, just also think of whatever extra items that will make your life easier.

I've included the best gear for your second infant, including what to buy for 2d baby even if information technology's the same gender.

pregnant mom kissing baby

Should I Create a Registry for 2d Baby?

I call up 2nd time moms should always create a gift registry for their second infant. Information technology's a great way to continue track of the items you've deemed every bit 2d-time mom must haves and if friends or family members are wondering what to buy for a second baby souvenir, it gives them plenty of ideas for things y'all actually need.

Plus, there are enough of perks for setting upwardly a new baby registry!

Most of the items listed below are perfect to add together to your second baby registry.

To make it easier for you, I have split the checklist into three different sections:

  • Must Haves: these are must-have items that you definitely need to buy new and you tin can't reuse from your commencement baby, either for sanitary or condom reasons, or simply because you lot just need to re-stock them.
  • To Make Life Easier: these are not absolute essentials (you tin can survive without them), however they volition brand your life so much easier if you can beget them.
  • Things to Check: these are items that yous may or may not be able to reuse from your first child, and so await them and over and assess.

Must Haves for 2nd Baby

one. Diapers

Diapers are a perfect item for your second baby registry! Unless you are using cloth diapers and the ones from your first child are still expert enough to be used for your second baby, yous'll need lots of new diapers for your second baby.

I have been using cloth diapers with both my daughters, merely not until they were about iv to 6 weeks quondam. I use disposables for the first few weeks after birth since they fit and then much better.

Don't buy besides many newborn diapers in accelerate though. I ever recommend only buying about 50 to 100 newborn diapers then run into how large your baby is at nascence earlier ownership more. You lot can register for multiple sizes of diapers and promise that you get a variety to last yous through the first year!

two. Wipes

Wipes are definitely another 2d baby registry must-have. In case y'all've forgotten how many wipes you get through in a day with a newborn, it's a lot!

You'll likely use them for diaper changes and cleaning upwards your older child's messes so stock up!

toddler playing with pregnant mom's belly

iii. Other Baby Toiletries

Go through this whole toiletry checklist to brand sure you lot aren't missing any other toiletries, such every bit diaper rash cream, body launder, shampoo, blast clippers, etc.

iv. Bibs

I dare anyone who'due south having another child to keep reusing the same bibs from the previous child! This is something that I definitely had to buy new for my 2nd daughter.

The one-time cloth bibs from my beginning one were really starting to stink and were falling apart, and the plastic one were one-half broken past the time my 2d i was born. Peculiarly if you lot feed your babe formula, bibs really offset to smell (and expect) bad later a while.

5. Pacifiers / Bottle Nipples

The silicone or safe in pacifiers starts to break down over time, making them unsafe for infant number 2. Pacifiers are a baby registry must haves for sleep, so make certain to add them to your second baby registry!

If you lot're going to use the pacifier when baby is awake, register for a pacifier prune to keep information technology secured to your babe'south clothes, and so that you don't lose it when you're out and about. Y'all can find a list of the best pacifier clips to choose from here as well as safety standards regarding pacifier clips.

Just like pacifiers, the fabric in nipples breaks down over time making them dangerous to re-utilise for baby number ii. Bottle nipples are an inexpensive detail for your second baby registry. Get all the nipple flow sizes now that y'all know how quickly baby moves upwardly a size!

6. More wearing apparel

If your 2d baby is a different gender, or is due in a different flavour than your showtime, register for outfits to last you through the first year. Luckily, people dear buying adorable baby clothes!

7. Nursery Coma Curtains

Keep your older infant's blackout curtains up then they don't start rising with the sun and get-go good slumber habits with your newborn by creating a dark surroundings for sleep. I honey these Sleepout curtains because you can use them at dwelling house and for traveling!

viii. Car seat

The automobile seat can be catchy equally car seats accept expiration dates, so it could be unsafe to use the auto seat from your first baby with your 2nd one. Make sure to cheque the expiration engagement on information technology before you install it in the auto.

Our babies are simply two.5 years apart, so nosotros were able to re-use the infant carseat, just nosotros had to buy a new convertible motorcar seat once the baby got a little older.

9. Car seat mirror

If you lot are still using a car seat mirror for your older child, don't forget to purchase some other one for your 2nd baby as well.

10. Chest Milk storage bags / Pumping Parts

If you plan on pumping and storing milk, stock up on more of these and add them to your second baby must-haves checklist. Cheque that your breast pump parts are even so functioning and in good status. Inspect them for cracks or build-up of milk residue and supervene upon equally necessary.

11. Formula

If you are planning on feeding your baby formula, recall to buy some before your infant is born.

12. 2d monitor

I was totally confronting the thought of ownership a 2nd monitor for our second girl: I really thought we didn't demand it anymore for our kickoff i and that it was going to be a waste product of coin. That said, I am glad I gave in and that we bought a second i.

It gave us peace of mind to exist able to see both our daughters when they were sleeping (or supposed to slumber) in the evening.

Particularly when our oldest daughter went through the 2-twelvemonth sleep regression shortly after her sister was born. She didn't have toddler bedtime tantrums, just she would become into mischief in her room after we kissed her good dark.

pregnant mom with older child

13. Double stroller

Lots of moms recommend ownership a double stroller when yous have a second baby, peculiarly if your two kids are going to be 2 to 3 years apart or even less. We were as well really tempted to get one, but and then decided non to as our oldest daughter was getting very adept at riding adjacent to the stroller with a scooter and we didn't feel the need.

Some other good alternative if you lot have an older kid who's not and then keen on walking with yous and you don't want to spend a lot of money on a double stroller is a stroller board. This attaches to the back of the stroller and your older child can easily stand on information technology while you push the stroller.

fourteen. White noise machine

A white noise car is a infant plant nursery must have and is specially helpful in drowning out older brother or sister when your baby is trying to slumber. Definitely a second infant registry essential!

To Make Life Easier

xv. Bouncer

If you oasis't bought a bouncer or rocking chair for your outset kid already, so you probably need one for your 2nd. This was a total life saver for me!

I could happily put my 2d babe in it for short periods of time while playing and giving attention to my oldest child.

xvi. Baby carrier

Having a baby carrier can also be a big assist when y'all have two kids, in a similar manner to the bouncer. Y'all can wear your second baby in a wrap or carrier while you give some attention to your older one, peculiarly when playing outside.

I prefer a babe wrap for a newborn as it's much more comfortable and safer for the picayune ane, and then a carrier when they go a bit older.

17. Second humidifier

Humidifiers tin can really help your sick baby get slumber. And you might consider ownership a 2nd i for your new baby. Because when it's winter, let me tell you, the chances of both your kids getting a cold at the same time and needing the humidifier in each room are pretty high.

Things to Check

18. Nursery Decorations

Is the second babe going to sleep in the same room every bit your first or in a separate room? Are they the aforementioned gender?

Goes without saying that if your 2d infant is going to have a split up room, then you lot'll probably want to go new decorations.

We had our second baby room share with usa for a few months afterward she was born and then the plan was to movement her into the aforementioned room every bit her sister. But that never happened: we were likewise scared they were going to wake each other up, so we settled with two rooms for now.

xix. Bottles

If yous canteen-fed your kickoff babe and are planning on doing the same with your 2nd i, y'all may need to check your bottles to make sure they're still in proficient condition.

twenty. Diaper Backpack

Of course you'll need a diaper purse, merely is the 1 from your offset child still in good condition? Or is it big enough to at present carry double the amount of stuff with two babies?

Investing in a diaper backpack allows you to be hands-free, which tin be especially helpful if yous're juggling a newborn and a toddler.

Our first diaper backpack was falling autonomously later 2.5 years, and so we bought a new one for our second baby.

21. Crib / Crib Mattress

If y'all've already transitioned to a toddler bed for your first child, then your 2d baby can easily use the same crib. Notwithstanding, brand certain that the crib mattress is still in good condition and that you don't need another one.

A crib mattress should be business firm to properly support your baby and reduce the risk of sudden infant expiry syndrome. A used one may accept lost some of that firmness or could have developed dips and bulges while in storage.

Those are the top 2d babe registry essentials. What items did you lot find especially helpful when transitioning from one child to two?

Leave a comment below and I'll add information technology to this listing!

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